IV Therapy

Medical Spa Picture of two women with beautiful skin after our medical spa treatment




Unlock the Power of Intravenous Nourishment at Our Premier Medical Spa!  Our MedSpa medical doctor and registered nurse (RN, PhD) have been performing MedSpa procedures for more than 20 years.   IV Drip Therapy is the fastest way to experience relief from day-to-day symptoms. Nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system to accelerate both effectiveness and absorption. Our curated menu of IVs addresses the root causes of common concerns — fatigue, lack of focus, stress, weakened immunity, and skin issues.


IV Therapy FREE Consultation - 15 min 

Schedule a free 10-20min consultation today and discover the transformative effects of IV therapy for yourself.  Our nurse practitioner will call you for your consultation visit.  Consultation will be held either no zoom or at the Spa.

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IV Therapy - 1h    Regular $350.00

IV Drip Therapy is the fastest way to experience relief from day-to-day symptoms. Nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system to accelerate both effectiveness and absorption. Our curated menu of IVs addresses the root causes of common concerns — fatigue, lack of focus, stress, weakened immunity, and skin issues. Choose from:   1) Hydration, 2) Immune Boost, or 3) Anti-Aging.

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IV Therapy with Glutathione Push  - 1h    Regular $470.00

Experience the potency of glutathione through our specialized IV infusion, directly delivering this powerful antioxidant into your bloodstream. Unlike oral intake, which may result in limited absorption, our IV therapy ensures optimal delivery to your cells. As each individual's body chemistry, age, and health differ, the rate of nutrient absorption varies. Once in the bloodstream, glutathione travels throughout your entire body, including vital organs like the brain, heart, lungs, and muscle tissue, empowering your cells with its detoxifying and protective benefits.

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IV Therapy with NAD+  - 1h    Regular $650.00,  VIP  $572.00

IV NAD+ therapy enhances health & energy. NAD+ is a coenzyme of B3 present in every cell, fueling metabolic reactions. It impacts gene expression related to age-related diseases. Therapy infuses high NAD+ doses directly into the bloodstream for rapid and effective results, boosting cellular energy. NAD+ combats aging, reduces depression, fatigue, and sleep issues, aiding autoimmune & inflammatory conditions. Found in all cells, NAD+ regulates gene expression, controls calcium, acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting against free radicals from stress, exercise, and alcohol. As NAD+ declines with age, body repair slows, impacting mental & physical health. Stress, medications, alcohol, and diet accelerate NAD+ decline.

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Pripherally Inserted Central Line or Canula for our IV Therapy Procedure

The IV Therapy Procedure - From the inside out

  • Personalized Assessment: Our experienced medical professionals conduct a thorough evaluation of your individual needs, health history, and wellness goals. Based on this assessment, a customized IV blend is created to address your unique requirements.
  • Expert Administration: With precision and care, our skilled healthcare providers administer the IV therapy, ensuring your comfort and safety throughout the process.
  • Relaxation and Rejuvenation: As the potent nutrients flow through your veins, you will experience a soothing and rejuvenating sensation, promoting wellness from within.

What is IV Therapy?

At Advanced SkinCare our revitalizing Intravenous (IV) Therapy is a scientifically proven treatment that delivers essential nutrients directly into your bloodstream to restore your physical and mental balance while replenishing your vitality and strengthening your immune system. IV Therapy, also known as nutrient therapy or vitamin infusion, is a medical procedure that administers a personalized blend of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and hydration directly into your bloodstream. By bypassing the digestive system, this method ensures maximum absorption and delivers a potent dose of nourishment, rejuvenating your body at the cellular level to all parts of your body.

The Benefits of IV Therapy - at Advanced Skin Care

  • Enhanced Energy and Vitality: IV Therapy provides an instant energy boost, combating fatigue and supporting your active lifestyle.
  • Boosted Immune System: The potent blend of vitamins and antioxidants fortifies your immune system, helping you ward off illnesses and infections.
  • Improved Hydration: IV Therapy replenishes your body with essential fluids, leaving you feeling refreshed and rehydrated. Skin Rejuvenation: The infusion of key nutrients contributes to healthier, glowing skin, enhancing your natural radiance.
  • Detoxification: IV Therapy aids in flushing out toxins from your body, promoting a sense of cleansing and renewal.

  • Frequently Asked Questions


       Q :     Is IV therapy safe and well-researched?

       A :     Absolutely! Our IV Therapy is administered by qualified medical professionals, following strict safety protocols. The treatment is considered safe and well-tolerated by most individuals.

       Q :      Is IV therapy painful?

       A :     Most individuals experience minimal discomfort during line insertion. We take every measure to ensure your comfort, and the use of topical numbing cream can be applied to reduce any sensations if requested.

       Q :      How long does a IV session take?

       A :     The duration of an IV Therapy session can vary depending on the specific blend and your individual needs. Typically, the procedure lasts around 30 to 60 minutes depending on the urgency of the client and the amount and type of fluids needed.

       Q :      How many IV sessions are recommended for optimal results?

       A :     One session will make you feel great. The number of sessions required may vary depending on individual needs. The patient can usually feel the difference right after the treatment.

       Q :      Are there any side effects of IV therapy?

       A :     Side effects of IV Therapy are rare but can include minor discomfort at the injection site or a feeling of coolness as the fluid enters your bloodstream. These effects are temporary and usually resolve quickly within a few hours, if any.

       Q :      Is there any downtime after IV treatment?

       A :     There is little to no downtime after IV therapy. You can go about your usual activities immediately after the procedure. 

       Q :      How soon can I see results after IV treatment?

       A :     Many patients begin to notice improvements from minutes to an hour during or after their session. 

       Q :      How often should I receive IV Therapy?

       A :     The frequency of IV Therapy sessions may vary depending on your health goals and needs. Our medical professionals will recommend a personalized treatment plan based on your assessment.  But Usually one session would suffice for you to feel revitalized.