PRP Therapy

Advanced Skin Care PRP Therapy



Our MedSpa medical doctor and registered nurse (RN, PhD) have been performing MedSpa procedures for more than 20 years.   Advanced Skin Care has been beautifying some of the most beautiful, powerful, and talented people across the globe including Hollywood celebrities, USA and European runway models who visits ASC when they come to NYC, TV news anchors, young movie stars, famous singers. We will heal your skin effectively to revitalize, rejuvenate and reach full of life.  Schedule a consultation today and discover the transformative effects of PRP therapy for yourself.     These are the different types of activated own enzymes, factors and hormones in action:

  • Anti Wrinkle Effect: Collagen/Fibronectin / TGF-β/PDGF
  • Pigment Removal:  TGF-β/TNF-α
  • Burns & Wounds:  HGF/VEGF/PDGF
  • Antioxidation:  IGF/SOD
  • Hair Re-growth:  HGF/VEGF/PDGF


    Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment FREE Consultation - 15 min 

    Schedule a free 10-20min consultation today and discover the transformative effects of PRP therapy for yourself.  Our nurse practitioner will call you for your consultation visit.  Consultation will be held either no zoom or at the Spa.

    » Book Consultation


    Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment - 1 Session - 1h    Regular $650.00

    One (1) Platelet Rich Plasma Session with Stella RN, PhD with more than 25 years of experience.  PRP therapy is a regenerative medical treatment that utilizes your body's platelet-rich plasma to stimulate and accelerate the natural healing processes. This golden elixir is rich in growth factors, cytokines, and proteins that play a crucial role in tissue repair and regeneration.  This is a 1 h session.

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    Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment - 3 Sessions     Regular $1950, Special $ 1650

    Three (3) Platelet Rich Plasma Session with Stella RN, PhD with more than 25 years of experience.  PRP therapy is a regenerative medical treatment that utilizes your body's platelet-rich plasma to stimulate and accelerate the natural healing processes. This golden elixir is rich in growth factors, cytokines, and proteins that play a crucial role in tissue repair and regeneration.  This package of 3 sessions, at 1 h per session.

    » Book 3 Services




    What is PRP Therapy?

    PRP therapy is a regenerative medical treatment that utilizes your body's platelet-rich plasma to stimulate and accelerate the natural healing processes. This golden elixir is rich in growth factors, cytokines, and proteins that play a crucial role in tissue repair and regeneration. At Advanced Skin Care, we are thrilled to offer you our cutting-edge Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, a revolutionary treatment that harnesses the healing power of your body's own natural resources. PRP therapy is a safe and non-invasive procedure that has gained significant popularity due to its remarkable results in rejuvenating the skin and promoting hair growth.

    The PRP Procedure - at Advanced Skin Care

  • Consultation: Our experienced medical professionals will conduct a thorough assessment of your individual needs and explain how PRP therapy can benefit you.
  • Blood Collection: A small amount of your blood will be drawn, just like a regular blood test.
  • Centrifugation: The collected blood will be spun in a state-of-the-art centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other components.
  • Application: The PRP is carefully applied to the targeted areas, promoting collagen production, revitalizing the skin, and stimulating skin tightness and rejuvenation. This therapy is also applicable to hair follicle stimulation for hair restoration.

  • Advanved Skin Care Platelet Rich Plasma Medical Spa Procedure

    The Benefits of PRP Therapy

  • Skin Rejuvenation: PRP therapy can enhance your skin's texture, tone, and elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.
  • Hair Restoration: For those experiencing hair thinning or hair loss, PRP therapy can stimulate dormant hair follicles, promoting hair growth and thickness.
  • Safe and Natural: PRP therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses your body's own resources, reducing the risk of adverse reactions or allergies.
  • Minimal Downtime: You can resume your daily activities shortly after the treatment, with no significant downtime required.
  • Experience the Power of PRP Therapy - at Advanced Skin Care

    • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
    • Dull and Rough Texture
    • Uneven Skin Tone
    • Large pores
    • Sun Damaged Skin
    • Acne Scars
    • Crepey and Lax Skin
    • Rejuvenates overall look homogeneously



    Frequently Asked Questions


       Q :     Is PRP therapy safe and well-researched?

       A   Absolutely! PRP therapy is considered safe and has been extensively researched in medical literature. Numerous clinical studies and journal papers support its efficacy and minimal side effects.PRP therapy is considered safe because it utilizes your body's natural components. The procedure is performed by our skilled medical professionals, ensuring proper technique and care.


       Q :     Is PRP therapy painful?

       A :     Most individuals experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. We take every measure to ensure your comfort, and the use of topical numbing cream can be applied to reduce any sensations.


       Q :     How long does a PRP session take?

       A :     A typical PRP session can last between 40 minutes to an hour, depending on the treatment areas and specific protocols.


       Q :     How many PRP sessions are recommended for optimal results?

       A :     The number of sessions required may vary depending on individual goals and responses. Typically, we recommend a series of treatments spaced a few weeks apart to achieve optimal results.


       Q :     Are there any side effects of PRP therapy?

       A :     PRP therapy is generally well-tolerated, and side effects are minimal. Mild redness or swelling at the injection site may occur but typically subsides within a day or two.


       Q :     Is there any downtime after PRP treatment?

       A :     There is little to no downtime after PRP therapy. You can go about your usual activities immediately after the procedure. However, it is essential to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by our medical professionals.


       Q :     How soon can I see results after PRP treatment?

       A :     Many patients begin to notice improvements within a few weeks after their first session. Results continue to improve over time as collagen production and tissue regeneration continue.